Svalbard mission
Urban skiing at the sixth Northernmost settlement in the world.
On location in Svalbard, Norway
In search for new urban spots Jesper Tjäder, Aleksander Aurdal og Even Sigstad travelled to the sixth Northernmost settlement in the world, Barentsburg. Shooting urban skiing at 78 degrees north sounds crazy, and it really was a crazy trip. Barentsburg is a Russian settlement at Spitsbergen, an island close to the North pole. Although Svalbard is under the Norwegian government, Barentsburg is a true Russian town. It lies only 60 km away from the Norwegian settlement at Svalbard, but they have no connection with each other. It turned out to be one of Field Productions most unique shoots of all time.
You can see the result in the full length film releasing November 2013, and also be sure to check out the behind the scenes series coming this fall for a sneak peak of what to expect. In the meantime you can see the photos on the right.
Thanks to everyone involved for making this trip happen!
Special thanks to the guides Steve and Richard at North Left, Steffen Esp, Polaris, Svalbard Reiseliv, Thomas Danielsen, Barentsburg Tourism board.
The crew: Even Sigstad, Aleksander Aurdal, Jesper Tjäder, Lasse Nyhaugen, Sveinung Ryan, Daniel Tengs, Niels Windfeldt and Daniell Ashby from Antimedia.